19 February 2022 Multiplier Event of the HEROES Project – Final Conference in Athens

School Life and Education Museum of EKEDISY organized the multiplier event on Saturday 19/02/2022 at 17:00 -21: 00 entitled "Peer Education: Creating educational programs" within the project "HEritage, cultural ROots and innovative peer Education Strategies” implemented for the European program Erasmus + ΚΑ2. 50 teachers and museum educators took part in the event.

The speakers were:
Thanos Fourgkatsiotis, Development Manager of the School Life and Education Museum with the presentation: "Presentation of the European Program Erasmuus + KA2 HEritage, cultural ROots and innovative peer Education Strategies (HEROES)"

Mr. Fourgatsiotis, presented the overall scope of the project, the activities and the results and how the peer education methodology was used within the project and by the partners

Dr. Evangelia Kantartzi, Director of the School Life and Education Museum, with the presentation: " When the children teach us: Peer learning"

Ms. Kantartzi initially presented the partners and the project website. She then presented the peer education model and how it will be applied to the specific project, while at the same time establishing the theoretical background and the educational practices that were used.

Maria Argyropoulou, Associate teaching staff at the University of Patrasas with the presentation: "Learning through our cultural heritage"

Ms. Argyropoulou which participated in the project, presented techniques and methodologies for the implementation of cultural heritage activities for groups, while she presented new ways of teaching about cultural heritage

Elli Lampadaridoy and Antonia Mitropoulou, Author-Journalist, staff of the Educational Museum of School Life and Education Museum with the presentation: " "Designing by children for children: The educational programs of the School Life and Education Museum for the HEROES program" "

Ms. Mitropoulou and Ms. Lampadaridou presented the workshops and activities that were developed and implemented by the participating students within the "Heroes" project: The educational goals of the programs, the role of the teachers and museum educators in their implementation, the methods, the tools and the materials that will be used as well as the expected results were extensively developed.

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