29-30 September 2021 Transnational Project Meeting in Athens

After the long stop imposed by the pandemic, on 29 and 30 September 2021 hosted by the Greek partner EKEDISY, took place in Athens the third coordination meeting of the project HEROES - Heritage, cultural Roots and innovative peer Education Strategies

Finally, the European partners met again in presence to discuss the progress of the project. In particular, they observed the results achieved within the implementation of the Intellectual Output 1, the HEROES Model – composed both by specific Guidelines and by a concrete educative proposal focused on cultural heritage education (the peer educational Method). All partners worked on both these assets during the last year and a half, developing a fruitful application of the peer methodology in the field of cultural heritage education.
Specifically, a planning of the revisions, integration and refinement both of the Model and of its key annex have been made. Subsequently was presented the state of the art of the second Intellectual Output: the Platform HEROES, where you are now surfing across the whole HEROES experience.

During this key meeting, the partners also faced the planning and organization of the Learning Teaching and Training Activities to be held in Spain and Greece, where two pilot groups of Italian students and teachers from the Marco Polo Institute of Florence will experience on a larger scale a peer educational experience through the cultural heritage of Malaga and Athens leaded by their Spanish and Greek peers. These activities have been scheduled between October and November 2021.
The meeting was complemented by rich program of study visits, including the Acropolis archeological site, the Acropolis Museum, the newly found National Gallery, the guided tour of the Plaka neighborhood and the ancient city of Athens and the guided tour of the School Life and Education Museum (EKEDISY itself), with the presentation of its relevant collection and the educational workshops.

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