24 February 2022 Final Transnational Project Meeting in Florence

On 24th of February 2022 took place in Florence the final transnational meeting for the project official closing. This final technical appointment was held at Centro Machiavelli Headquarter and it has been combined with the project’s Multiplier Event organized the 25th February 2022 at the “Auditorium Vasari” of the Uffizi Galleries and live on their official Facebook Channel. The event allowed to share the results achieved through the whole project experience with the local educational community made up of schools, teachers and students, but also with a wider audience of cultural heritage experts, art historians, cultural educators and citizens. During the conference the different and creative ways of applying the peer-to-peer methodology to the issues related to cultural heritage education developed during the two and a half years of work on HEROES were explored and the most important activities were presented. significant activities carried out by the different schools involved in the three partner countries.

This official project closure - organized in two days – was attended by the representatives from all project partners: Uffizi Galleries (Firenze, ITA) as leading partner; Machiavelli Center (Firenze, ITA); Technical Institute of Tourism “Marco Polo” (Florence, ITA); University of Malaga (ES); EKEDISY (Athens, GR) and it was focused especially on the last technical open issues related to the final narrative and financial report and on the sustainability perspective.

Partners discussed on how to give continuity in time to the HEROES experience, laying the foundations for future activities and interventions focused on cultural heritage, with special regard to those related to the mobility of young students. Also, they took care of the Platform Final validation and of its future maintenance measures.

The afternoon technical session was preceded by a tour guide at Pitti Palace, where all partners had the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful Florentine cultural heritage asset.

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